C.O.A.L. - Bridge: upload / download
COAL: artistic views on post-industrial landscapes.
The basin minier in Nord-Pas Calais/ FR, the Katowice conurbation/ PL and the Ruhrgebiet/ D. are connected by an internet-live-stream. All regions are characterized by common geological history, the legacy of the industrial era and options of postindustrial development.
C.O.A.L. from Carboniferous to open-eyed artists on landscape.
The medium is the message - a contemporary Europe without borders and barriers.
W.Ę.G.I.E.L. / K.O.H.L.E. / C.H.A.R.B.O.N.
C.O.A.L. Broadcasting Union C.B.U.
Art from Poland, Germany, France
Performances, Images, Movies, Sounds from:
Béatrice Balcou, Ireneusz Borowski, Cléa Coudsi/
Eric Herbin, Aurélie Damon, Diana Diczew/ Pawe³ Szeibel,
Simon Gdowicz, Gudrun Kattke, Anna Kopaczewska,
Hugo Kostrzewa, Jadwiga Lemañska, Silvia Liebig,
Richard Ortmann, Christian Psyk, Cyprien Quairiat,
Ralf Rudolf Wassermann, Thomas Wucherpfennig
C.O.A.L. soundtrack noise & emotions:
Jarek Mamszarski /electronics, Piotr Domagalla/ guitars,
Wojciech Frankowicz,/trombone, Michael Bereckis/
electronics, saxes, Richard Ortmann/ sounds, saxes
Upload / download – we won’t load up mineral resources on conveyors any longer; Our resources - creativity, knowledge, visions - are uploaded and downloaded in the world wide web. Data flows will replace goods flows.
Art is the motor of change.